Stick bread is sure to take many of us back to childhood! But you have certainly never eaten stick bread like in this recipe. The chocolate dip makes it the perfect dessert for a fantastic barbecue evening and it is sure to make everyone happy.


350 g Wheat flour
1 Stück Pack of dry yeast
50 g Sugar
150 ml Warm water
2 EL Cooking oil
1 Prise Salt
1 Stück Dark chocolate bar
100 ml Scene
3 TL BitterLiebe powder
For the yeast dough, mix the flour, yeast, sugar, warm water and oil and knead it until it no longer sticks to your fingers.
Then let it go covered for at least 2 hours.
For the chocolate dip, gently heat the chocolate in a water bath and slowly stir in the cream and BitterLiebe powder.
Divide the yeast dough into four parts, pull it long and wrap it around a stick. Then grill it over fire until the bread is golden brown on all sides.
Serve the bread with the chocolate dip.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself