We have set ourselves the goal of capturing the summer in a salad and we think we made it! You also have bitter substances from the citrus fruits and also from the BitterLiebe powder!


1 Stück Beetroot (pre-cooked)
1 Stück Orange
1 Stück Grapefruit
8 Stück Kumquats
1 Hand voll Fresh mint
1 Hand voll Almonds
0 Stück Radicchio
2 EL Vinegar
4 EL Olive oil
1 EL Agavendicksaft
1 TL Mustard
1 TL BitterLiebe powder
1 Prise Salt
Peel the orange and grapefruit, wash the kumquats, and cut everything into thin slices.
Cut the beetroot into thin slices, we recommend a potato peeler.
Wash the radicchio, pluck the leaves and chop them up a little.
For the dressing, mix vinegar, olive oil, agave syrup, mustard, BitterLiebe powder with a pinch of salt and mix everything into a homogeneous sauce.
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and garnish with crushed almonds and peppermint leaves.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself