Everyone loves pizza! But unfortunately pizza is mostly frowned upon as junk food. We'll prove you wrong! With this super delicious pizza you can enjoy it without regrets! You are very free to choose herbs. We used a herbal mixture of chives, borage, pimpinelle, cress, chervil, sorrel and parsley. Of course, herbs like basil, oregano, parsley and chives are easier to find. You are completely free to adapt the pesto to your taste! For the topping, we recommend olives, rocket, artichokes and fennel for the extra dose of bitter substances!


500 g Wheat, spelled or pizza flour
10 g Salt
300 g Water
5 g Fresh yeast
100 g Fresh herbs of your choice
3 Prise Salt and pepper
3 EL Sunflower seeds
5 EL Olive oil
2 TL BitterLiebe powder
Dissolve the yeast in the water.
Mix the flour and salt and add the water-yeast mixture. Knead the dough for at least 5-10 minutes.
Then cover it with cling film and let it rise in the refrigerator for at least 3–12 hours.
For the pesto, puree the fresh herbs, salt, pepper, sunflower seeds, olive oil and BitterLiebe powder.
Spread out the pizza dough, spread the pesto on it, top the pizza with ingredients of your choice and bake it at the highest temperature until the dough is golden brown.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself