There is a lot of fiber in artichokes. Cynarin makes the artichoke slightly bitter. They are also very low in calories. We love them on pizza, in a salad or, as here, as an artichoke dip! The recipe is super simple and perfect for dinner or as a dip with crackers.


1 Stück Can / glass artichokes
3 EL Olive oil
2 TL BitterLiebe powder
1 Prise Salt and pepper
1 Stück Spring onion
2 TL Mustard
2 EL Lemon juice
Puree all ingredients with a blender or hand blender to a fine mass.
Add some water if necessary. The dip will keep in the fridge for several days.
We recommend the dip with crackers or baguettes.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself