A great refreshment for the warm days 💚 The lemon gives the iced tea a pleasant acidity and the basil a wonderful summery, herbal freshness 🌿


40 g BitterLiebe powder
NaN Stück Ice cube mold
5 EL Bitter love tea
0 Bund Basil
5 EL Agavendicksaft
2 Stück Organic lemons
Mix BitterLiebe powder with water and pour into an ice cube mold.
Freeze for 3 hours.
Wash the basil and shake dry. Put half aside.
Put the BitterLiebe tea and the other half of the basil in a container.
Add hot water and let it steep for about 4 minutes.
Add agave syrup and strain the tea through a sieve. Chill for about 1 hour.
Wash the lemons and cut into wedges.
Serve the iced tea with ice cubes, decorate with lemon wedges and basil and enjoy cold.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself