This smoothie tastes great both cold and warm 💚 ⠀
From a culinary point of view, Christmas is more associated with unhealthy food, but with this smoothie you have a real vitamin bomb with a Christmas flavor 🎄✨


3 Apples
1 Hand voll Cranberries
1 EL Cane sugar
1 Prise Cinnamon
1 Prise Salt
200 ml Almond milk
1 Neutral oil
2 TL BitterLiebe powder
2 EL Oatmeal
Dice the apples into small pieces and fry them in a little oil over medium-high heat.
After 5 minutes add the cranberries and fry everything until the apples are lightly browned.
Add the cane sugar and caramelize the fruit briefly. Roast the oatmeal for an additional two minutes.
Puree everything with the almond milk and a pinch of cinnamon, the BitterLiebe powder with a mixer or hand blender to a fine mass.
Garnish with a little cinnamon.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself