Here is another Christmas market classic for you guys. What would the Christmas market be without mulled wine? 😀 ⠀
Of course, you can also mix the BitterLiebe powder into finished mulled wine. ⠀
If you don't drink alcohol, you can of course also make a BitterLiebe punch ✨⠀


1 l Red wine
1 Bio-Orange
2 Sticks of cinnamon
3 Cloves
3 EL Sugar
2 TL BitterLiebe powder
Here is another Christmas market classic for you guys. What would the Christmas market be without mulled wine? 😀 ⠀
Of course, you can also mix the BitterLiebe powder into finished mulled wine. ⠀
If you don't drink alcohol, you can of course also make a BitterLiebe punch ✨⠀
While heating, add the remaining ingredients
Take the whole thing off the stove and let it steep for about an hour
Reheat it before serving and pour it through a sieve to catch any spices
Garnish with a few orange slices

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself