Pasta salad is definitely a must-have for every barbecue evening! But you've certainly never had him like this before. Crunchy radicchio ensures that this pasta salad definitely deserves the title "salad"! This gives everything a wonderful crunch and a slightly bitter note.


500 g Pasta
100 g Frozen peas
1 Stück Radicchio
1 Stück Fennel
2 Stück Medium onions
1 ml Scene
1 EL BitterLiebe powder
1 Stück Lemon
1 Prise Salt and pepper
1 Hand voll Fresh mint
1 Prise Olive oil
Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet. Pour it off and immediately rinse it off with cold water to prevent it from sticking.
Cut the onion and fennel into slices and fry them in a pan.
Then add the cream and let everything simmer for about 10 minutes.
Then add the lemon juice and the peas and let everything boil again briefly.
Add the BitterLiebe powder and season with salt and pepper.
Mix the sauce with the pasta, add finely chopped radicchio and fresh mint.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself