So you can give your healer mask that certain something! 💫
Bitter substances on the skin seem a bit strange at first, but have long been established in the cosmetics and beauty industry.
Bitter herbs played a major role in Ayurvedic medicine over 5000 years ago! 🌿
Bitter substances on the skin seem a bit strange at first, but have long been established in the cosmetics and beauty industry.
Bitter herbs played a major role in Ayurvedic medicine over 5000 years ago! 🌿


1 EL Healing earth
1 EL Water
1 Pipette BitterLiebe drops
Mix all of the ingredients together in a small bowl to form a paste.
Apply this to your already cleansed face.
Let the mask dry.
Wash them off with lukewarm water using circular motions.

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself