Plenty of summer sun, but with these temperatures a crispy salad is the best refreshment. We have prepared some dressing inspiration for you, because when the sweat pearls off your forehead, you can run out of ideas. You're welcome & amp; Enjoy your meal!


1 Stück Lime
2 EL Soy sauce
2 EL Honey
1 TL BitterLiebe powder
1 TL Peanut butter
5 EL Water
1 Stück Ginger (diced)
0 Stück Clove of garlic (diced)
1 Prise Chiliflocken
1 Hand voll Walnuts
Mix the juice of the lime, soy sauce, honey, bitter love powder and peanut butter in a bowl
Add water to the desired consistency, season with ginger, garlic, chilli flakes and salt
Pour over the salad (we used a mixture of spinach, lollo and a sprout mix from the supermarket), mix well and serve with walnuts
Good Appetite!

Get hungry? Order BitterLiebe powder now and cook it yourself